Title IX Role-Specific Refresher Series for K-12 School Districts
Robbins Schwartz is pleased to offer a refresher series of our role-specific Title IX webinars for school district personnel involved in implementing their districts’ Title IX investigation and grievance process. The cost for each webinar is $50 per person. Information regarding each webinar, including a registration link, can be found below.
Title IX: Decision Maker Webinar
Date: August 2
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
The Title IX regulations require that an objective Decision-Maker/Hearing Officer be appointed to determine whether a respondent is responsible for engaging in Title IX sexual harassment. This webinar will provide a comprehensive review of the role of the Decision-Maker in the formal Title IX sexual harassment grievance process. The webinar will offer recommendations for evaluating evidence and credibility, facilitating the written question-and-answer process, determining relevance, and applying the Title IX regulations’ rape shield protections. Finally, this webinar will include helpful tips for preparing written determinations and recognizing and avoiding bias and conflicts of interest, as required by the Title IX regulations.
Title IX: Appellate Decision Maker Webinar
Date: August 9
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Under the Title IX regulations, both parties have the right to appeal any determination of responsibility and any dismissal of a formal Title IX sexual harassment complaint or allegations therein. This webinar will focus on the role of the Appellate Decision-Maker in reviewing Title IX sexual harassment appeals and will provide participants with a step-by-step overview of the appeal process, including a discussion of the permissible grounds for appeal and the procedural rights afforded to parties during the appeal process. This webinar will also include recommendations for evaluating appeals and issuing written appeal determinations.
Title IX: Coordinator Webinar
Date: August 15
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
A school district’s Title IX Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the district’s response to Title IX reports and complaints and managing the grievance process from start to finish. This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of the Title IX Coordinator’s vast responsibilities, including assessing and responding to reports of Title IX sexual harassment, managing the grievance process, issuing required notices to the parties, and maintaining appropriate records.