Our Team
Since its founding in 1970, Robbins Schwartz has been a pioneer in defining the practice of education law as a singular discipline. Our leadership in that field continues to be well-recognized.
Our Team
We are a team of problem solvers who nurture relationships by fostering trust and confidence through clear, timely communication and by delivering the highest level of service.
Learn more about each of our talented attorneys below.
Steven B. Adams, Partner
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Michael A. Barracato, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Elizabeth J. Becker, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: sadams@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Construction, Municipal, Real Estate Development
Email: mbarracato@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Student Rights
Email: ebecker@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Labor & Employment
Jessica (Jesse) T. Carbonaro, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Evan J. Deichstetter, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Katie N. DiPiero, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: jcarbonaro@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Special Education, Student Rights
Email: edeichstetter@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Special Education, Student Rights
Email: kdipiero@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Transactions, Construction, Public Finance & Taxation, Real Estate
Kathleen Elliott, Of Counsel
Lisle Office
ph: 630.929.3639
Aidan C. Falk, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Kenneth M. Florey, Partner
Lisle Office
ph: 630.929.3639
Email: kelliott@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Election, Land Use, Local Government
Email: afalk@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Litigation, Student Rights
David J. Freeman, Partner
Lisle Office
ph: 630.929.3639
Matthew J. Gardner, Partner
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Thomas C. Garretson, Partner
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: dfreeman@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Transactions, Labor & Employment, Municipal, Public Finance & Taxation, Real Estate Development
Email: mgardner@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Transactions, Construction, Public Finance & Taxation, Real Estate Development
Email: tgarretson@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Employee Benefits, Labor & Employment, Municipal
Philip H. Gerner III, Partner
Chicago, Rockford
ph: 312.332.7760
ph: 815.390.7090
Scott L. Ginsburg, Partner
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Christopher R. Gorman, Partner
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: pgerner@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Employee Benefits, Labor & Employment, Litigation
Email: sginsburg@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Transactions, Education, Energy, Litigation, Municipal, Public Finance & Taxation, Zoning, Planning & Land Use
Email: cgorman@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Transactions, Construction, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Municipal, Real Estate
Guy C. Hall, Partner
Champaign Office
ph: 217.363.3040
Todd K. Hayden, Partner
Lisle Office
ph: 630.929.3639
Holly E. Jacobs, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: ghall@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Business and Corporate, Commercial Transactions, Energy, Health Care, Municipal, Public Finance & Taxation, Real Estate
Email: thayden@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Board Governance, Education, Employment Discrimination, Labor & Employment, Municipal, Student Rights
Email: hjacobs@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Labor & Employment
Natalie A. Jakubowski, Associate
ph: 312.332.7760
Aaron J. Kacel, Associate
Chicago, Lisle
ph: 312.332.7760
Nicole L. Karas, Senior Counsel
Lisle Office
ph: 630.929.3639
Email: njakubowski@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Labor & Employment, Title IX
Email: akacel@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: DEI Compliance, Education, Employee Benefits, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Municipal
Email: nkaras@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Transactions, Construction, Real Estate Development
Nikoleta Lamprinakos, Partner
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Jordan R. Liphardt, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Catherine R. Locallo, Partner
Chicago, Lisle
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: nlamprinakos@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Municipal
Email: jliphardt@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Labor & Employment
Email: clocallo@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Board Governance, Education, Labor & Employment
Hannah M. May, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Danielle B. McNamara, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Howard A. Metz, Partner
Chicago, Rockford
ph: 312.332.7760
ph: 815.390.7090
Email: hmay@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Special Education, Student Rights
Email: dmcnamara@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Transactions, Construction, Real Estate Development
Email: hmetz@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Transactions, Construction, Education, Energy, Litigation, Municipal, Public Finance & Taxation, Real Estate, Zoning, Planning & Land Use
Stephen R. Miller, Of Counsel
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Patrick R. Miner, Associate
Lisle Office
ph: 630.929.3639
Eli J. Newman, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: smiller@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Construction, Litigation, Municipal
Email: pminer@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Litigation, Municipal
Email: enewman@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Labor & Employment, Litigation
Susan E. Nicholas, Partner
Champaign Office
ph: 217.363.3040
Kevin P. Noll, Partner
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Daniel K. Noonan, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: snicholas@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Employee Benefits, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Municipal
Email: knoll@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Labor & Employment, Litigation
Email: dnoonan@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Transactions, Construction, Public Finance & Taxation, Real Estate Development
Joseph J. Perkoski, Managing Partner
ph: 312.332.7760
ph: 815.390.7090
Robert E. Riley, Of Counsel
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Caroline A. Roselli, Partner
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: jperkoski@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Board Governance, Education, Employee Benefits, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Municipal, Student Rights
Email: rriley@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Labor & Employment, Litigation
Email: croselli@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Special Education, Student Rights
Laura M. Sinars, Partner
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
M. Neal Smith, Partner
Lisle Office
ph: 630.929.3639
Logan K. Sweeney, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: lsinars@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Special Education, Student Rights
Email: nsmith@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Board Governance, Commercial Transactions, Construction, Election, Litigation, Municipal, Real Estate, Zoning, Planning & Land Use
Matthew M. Swift, Associate
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Brittany Flaherty Theis, Partner
Lisle Office
ph: 630.929.3639
Zaria N. Udeh, Partner
Chicago Office
ph: 312.332.7760
Email: mswift@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Board Governance, Education, Employee Benefits, Labor & Employment, Municipal
Email: btheis@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Transactions, Education, Energy, Litigation, Municipal, Public Finance & Taxation, Real Estate, Zoning, Planning & Land Use
Email: zudeh@robbins-schwartz.com
Practice Areas: Education, Special Education, Student Rights