Webinar: Frequently Asked Questions on Interpreting the ISBE/IDPH Joint Guidance on the Return to School
July 1 @ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Please join us as we continue the discussion related to the return to school, including the ISBE/IDPH June 23, 2020 Joint Guidance, as well as ISBE’s June 25, 2020 FAQ and School Reopening Toolkit. We will also look at the reaction to the Joint Guidance by schools and unions. The webinar will include a panel discussion on legal and practical considerations related to face covering requirements, symptom self-certification options, social distancing, bargaining implications, and instruction. This webinar will be a structured question and answer format. If you were unable to attend our June 17 and June 25, 2020 return to school webinars, you can access such on our website. Please submit any questions for the panel by 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 30th at mguevara@robbins-schwartz.com
Contact: Maritza Guevara, mguevara@robbins-schwartz.com
Who Should Attend/Target Audience:
- Superintendents
- School Business Officials
- Special Education Administrators
- Human Resources Administrators
- Principals
- Other School Administrators