Event Calendar

We are a team of problem solvers who nurture relationships by fostering trust and confidence through clear, timely communication and a commitment to community involvement.


RECORDED WEBINAR: FAQ’s on Interpreting the March 2021 ISBE/IDPH Transition

This webinar focuses on frequently asked questions related to ISBE and IDPH's March 9, 2021, Transition Joint Guidance. The webinar includes a panel discussion on the legal and practical considerations related to the new guidance surrounding social distancing, space capacities, remote learning, face-covering requirements, and symptom screenings. The panel will also discuss liability exposure and tort immunity protection…

RECORDED WEBINAR: Staff Reductions in Force and Obligation to Bargain

To request a link to the webinar, please fill out the form below. (Link will be sent to your email address - please check spam.) For more information, contact Maritza Guevara, mguevara@robbins-schwartz.com or Carolyn Riehle, criehle@robbins-schwartz.com This webinar focuses on RIF procedures, requirements and related bargaining issues for certified staff and educational support personnel. Compliance with…

SOPPA Amendments 2021: Requirements for Written Agreements and Strategies for Risk Mitigation

This webinar will provide an overview of the required elements of SOPPA-compliant agreements, along with recommendations for efficiently using the National Data Privacy Agreement (“NDPA”) and Illinois-specific exhibit that is available through the Illinois Student Privacy Alliance. Additionally, the webinar will discuss cyber insurance coverage considerations and loss prevention recommendations to protect school districts in the event of a security breach.

Recorded Webinar: Return to School: Legal and Practical Considerations

This session will guide school districts as we look toward a return to school in the fall; either remotely, in-person or through a blended model. We will address necessary preparations and legal considerations related to staffing, bargaining implications, student attendance, gaps in student learning and how to safely transition back to school. The presentation will also touch on what social distancing or other restrictions may look like in the school setting to ensure the safety of all individuals as we return to school buildings under new norms.

Recorded Webinar: Preparing for Implementation of the New Title IX Regulations

This webinar offers a comprehensive analysis of the new Regulations released by the U.S. Department of Education as they pertain to Title IX in Higher Education institutions. It also provides helpful tips for institutions to prepare for implementation of the new Rules in the coming months.

Recorded Webinar: Governing and Elections During COVID-19

This webinar will provide practical tips and information concerning conducting remote meetings, Open Meetings Act Issues, Complying with FOIA during times of limited in-person staffing, annual Township meetings, and possible COVID-19 impacts on the 2021 Consolidated Election