CDC and ISBE Issue Guidance as Schools Plan for Reopening


CDC and ISBE Issue Guidance as Schools Plan for Reopening

May 20, 2020

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ISBE’s guidance is only the first part of its Transition Plan Advisory Workgroup’s recommendations and focuses on the short term, discussing how to wrap up the current school year and move forward during the summer. Specifically, the guidance discusses topics such as collecting and submitting attendance data, wellness checks, grading, minimizing loss of learning, grief and social‐emotional supports, summer remote learning and meals, and planning for assessments of students’ progress and needs.

CDC and ISBE Issue Guidance as Schools Plan for Reopening

In the past week, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and the Illinois State Board of Education (“ISBE”) both have issued new guidance on transitioning back to in‐person instruction, with more to come soon.