Delayed Implementation of New Concussion Education, Oversight and Protocols for Schools

Delayed Implementation of New Concussion Education, Oversight and Protocols for Schools
Nov 23, 2015
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On August 17, 2015, we issued an In Brief[1] regarding the newly enacted Illinois School Code Section 22-80, which further addresses concussion education, oversight, and protocols. With the exception of the training obligations for certain individuals, all other components of the law were effective with the start of the 2015-2016 school year – an impractical compliance deadline.
On November 20, 2015, Governor Rauner signed into law Public Act 99-486, which delays implementation of all components of School Code Section 22-80, until the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year. Although implementation has been delayed by one school year, Board members and district administrators should familiarize themselves with the new concussion requirements and begin to prepare for compliance this school year. In summary, these requirements include: appointment and approval of a concussion oversight team (“COT”); development of a school-specific emergency action plan for interscholastic activities; COT’s establishment of return-to-play and return-to-learn protocols; limitations on student participation in interscholastic athletic activity; and training obligations.
[1] Legislature Overhauls Concussion Education Oversight and Protocols for School Districts Blog