The Latest on Mandated Reporter and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Requirements

The Latest on Mandated Reporter and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Requirements
Jan 24, 2020
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As we previously noted in an August 2019 In Brief, sweeping legislation to combat sexual harassment now requires employers to implement an annual sexual harassment prevention training for all of its employees. To avoid civil penalties, employers must implement a program which meets the minimum standards used by the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR). In the coming weeks, we expect IDHR to publish answers to some frequently asked questions about these requirements. In addition, we have confirmed that IDHR is in the process of developing a model sexual harassment prevention training program, which we expect IDHR to make available to the public in the next few months.
In a September 2019 In Brief, we also wrote about new requirements for mandated reporters under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. Most mandated reporters must now complete initial training within three months of engaging in a professional or official capacity as a mandated reporter, in contrast with the previous one-year deadline, and at least every three years thereafter. The Department of Children and Family Services now provides a free web‐based training that satisfies the Act’s requirements. The web-based training includes a pre-training assessment of 13 multiple-choice questions, 60-90 minutes of self-paced interactive training, a post-training assessment of 13 multiple-choice questions, and a certificate of completion.
If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact your Robbins Schwartz attorney.