The Department of Labor’s Portal for Certified Payroll Is Now Open
Apr 8, 2020
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On January 15, 2019, Governor Pritzker signed Public Act 100-1177, amending the Prevailing Wage Act (the “Act”) in several respects. One of the most significant amendments to the Act required the Illinois Department of Labor to develop and open an electronic database, through which contractors can submit certified payrolls. This web-based portal is now open and is accessible here.
Now that IDOL’s portal for certified payroll is open, public bodies subject to the Prevailing Wage Act should confer with their contractors and construction managers and should adjust their recordkeeping practices accordingly. For projects currently in progress, contractors and subcontractors should file future certified payrolls through IDOL’s portal.
In addition to directing its contractors to file through IDOL’s portal, each public body may, if it desires, continue requiring its contractors and subcontractor to provide copies of certified payrolls filed through the portal. For new projects not yet awarded or under contract, the contract documents should be adjusted to reflect that the contractor and its subcontractors are obligated to file certified payrolls through IDOL’s portal.
In addition, the contract documents may require the contractor to provide to the public body copies of all certified payrolls filed through IDOL’s portal.
Please contact a Robbins Schwartz attorney with any questions about these new changes to the procedures for certified payroll under the Prevailing Wage Act.